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Quest – Performance Lessons

[DAP startday="1" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="51"]Performing Basics


[DAP startday="2" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="51"]Costuming (Choosing the Proper Attire)


[DAP startday="3" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="51"]Different Ways To Perform

This is the World Magic Awards from 2009.  Watch it and see all the best magicians and the different ways in which they perform, there are some very different styles throughout the show.

(This video is from YouTube and any ads which it may contain are from the owner of the video or YouTube and may not reflect on the opinions or views of the Secret Magic Society)


[DAP startday="4" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="51"]Be Able To Be Impromptu


[DAP startday="5" endday="9999" hasAccessTo="51"]Performance Refresher
