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Silver Purchase

Are you ready to learn some amazing magic tricks?

The Secret Magic Society is just the place for you. Within the virtual walls of this membership site, you will learn professional, amazing, and real magic tricks that you can use to fool your friends and family.

So what do you get?


– At least 4 magic tricks each month, with full, up close video explanations of how the trick works.
– One physical trick mailed to you with an online tutorial to show you how it works and how to perform it.
– Performance tips to help improve your magical styling
– Unlimited e-mail support from our team of
professional magicians!


All of this for just $14.97/month

So if you’re ready to start
learning some of the best magic out there, click on the Subscribe Button below
to get started.

But wait, we have a special
offer for you!

For a limited time, you can
start learning magic at the Secret Magic Society for only


for the first month!  Simply enter “magic99” in the code box to get access
to the magic.

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