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Magic Camp 2013

Welcome to Skyhigh Magic Camps 2013!!

This section of the Secret Magic Society is specifically designed for the campers of Skyhigh Magic Camps 2013.  The videos and information on this site is ONLY for campers who are enrolled in Magic Camp 2013.  Please do not share your username or password with anyone else.  If you do, your access to this site will be taken away.

On the Magic Camp folder above, you will find all the tricks that you have learned during your weeks at camp.  Please remember everything you were taught and use it in your magic.  Practice makes perfect, so be sure to practice and perfect your tricks before performing them.  Remember that the Magicians Oath tells you not to reveal the secret, whether  by telling someone or by revealing the trick through lack of practice.

Enjoy everything that we have provided for you here and we hope you enjoyed your time with us in Skyhigh Magic Camp and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Welcome to Magic Camp 2013

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